
How To Find Out What Version Of Ubuntu I Have

Updated on January 12, 2022.


Ubuntu is a free, open-source Linux-based operating arrangement, which has a long listing of release versions. Finding out which Ubuntu version is running on your arrangement tin can exist important when troubleshooting bug or searching for installation guides.

In this tutorial, learn how to check the Ubuntu version running on your automobile.

How To Check Ubuntu Version


  • A system running Ubuntu
  • Access to a user account with sudo or root privileges
  • A terminal window/control line (CtrlAltT)

In that location are ii (2) simple ways to decide the Ubuntu version installed on your server. Check the version in the last window or apply Ubuntu'south default graphical interface.

Check Ubuntu Version via Control Line

If you prefer using the concluding, you can make up one's mind the Ubuntu version installed on your auto in 7 (7) different ways.

Note: The commencement method is not user-friendly if you're running Ubuntu on a Docker image. Try one of the other methods instead.

Bank check Ubuntu Version with lsb_release Control

1. Open the terminal (utilise the Ctrl+Alt+Tkeyboard shortcut).

ii. Blazon in the post-obit command and striking Enter:

          lsb_release -a        
screenshot of checking ubuntu version from terminal

The output displays the current version of Ubuntu. In the example seen in the prototype to a higher place, it is Ubuntu 18.04 (codenamed Bionic Beaver).

3. To display simply the description line, use the -d tag:

          lsb_release -d        

Show only the description information by adding the -s tag to shorten the output:

          lsb_release -ds        

four. Add the -c tag to display the codename line too:

          lsb_release -dc        

v. Evidence only the release number by combining the -r and -southward tags:

          lsb_release -rs        

Check Ubuntu Version with cat /etc/lsb-release Command

Alternatively, yous tin can use the command:

          cat /etc/lsb-release        
cat /etc/lsb/release

Check Ubuntu Version with true cat /etc/*release Control

To get more than in-depth data near the Ubuntu release, you tin also employ the command:

          cat /etc/*release        
find information about ubuntu release

The command is platform agnostic. On Ubuntu, the file'due south name is bone-release and the following control uses the full file proper noun:

          cat /etc/os-release        

Check Ubuntu Version with hostnamectl Command

Another control that besides gives you information nearly the Ubuntu version is the hostnamectl command:

Check Ubuntu version using hostnamectl command.

Bank check Ubuntu Version with cat /etc/issue Command

The /etc/result file contains the text which displays when a user connects via SSH. Employ the cat command to fetch the contents:

          cat /etc/issue        

For a cleaner output, use:

          cat /etc/        

Check Ubuntu Version Using screenfetch

The screenfetch utility is a Bash script for generating useful and visually pleasing OS information.

1. Install screenfetch using the apt package manager:

          sudo apt install screenfetch        

ii. The installation asks for confirmation. Press Y to go along.

3. When the installation completes, run the command:


The output displays system information, including the Ubuntu version.

Check Ubuntu Version using neofetch

The neofetch utility is a Bash script and a more than modernistic version of screenfetch . To install and use neofetch, follow the steps beneath:

1. Install neofetch with the apt package manager:

          sudo apt install neofetch        

ii. Run the command:


The OS section displays the Ubuntu version.

Check Ubuntu Version via Graphical Interface

You can quickly identify the Ubuntu version running on your organization through the graphical interface.

i. First, select Activities in the top left corner.

2. In the search bar, enter Settings and click on the icon once information technology appears in the results.

find settings in ubuntu

3. In the System Settings window, click on the Details tab.

system settings details of Ubuntu

The Details section displays which Ubuntu version number you have, along with other information almost your operating organisation.

ubuntu version details 18.04

The image above indicates that the system running on the machine is Ubuntu eighteen.04.two LTS (codenamed Bionic Beaver). LTS is an acronym that stands for Long-Term Support, pregnant it's a major version supported for up to 10 years.

Other Ubuntu LTS releases include:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
  • Ubuntu xvi.04 (Xenial Xerus) which has an finish of life in Apr 2021
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)


After reading this article, you should know how to check which Ubuntu version you are running. Next, explore or fifty-fifty update the central core of the operating system, the Linux kernel.

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