
how to find a job out of college

Working remotely has been gaining traction in the United States during the past few years. In fact, from 2005 to 2017, the number of people telecommuting increased past 159%, co-ordinate to a study from FlexJobs. That trend has connected over the by few years equally increasing numbers of workers seek the flexibility of being able to choose their work environments — and as increasing numbers of companies see the cost-saving capabilities of having at least part of their workforces operating off-site.

Every bit COVID-19 has swept across the globe in 2020, many employees with suitable roles were given the option to go on on a remote-piece of work footing. Yet, other workers out in that location may be looking for new jobs or may exist interested in switching to virtual positions entirely. Figuring out which ones are authentic tin be tough, but these virtual roles are all in high demand — and legitimate.


There'south huge demand for developers across the marketplace, with many businesses offering remote-work opportunities. Indeed notes that many developer jobs are also the hardest to make full, with front end-terminate, full-stack and mobile developer jobs making the top vi in-demand roles.

Danial RiCaRoS/Unsplash

Every business organization has its ain listing of things it looks for in developers. Experience working with programming languages similar Python and Java is near always a must. Just there are several different directions to take a career as a developer.

For case, mobile developers create the apps used on mobile devices. Front end-end developers build websites by taking data and turning it into the site interfaces that users interact with. Dorsum-stop developers create the interactive elements of a website, including options to log in, like pictures and create accounts. Finally, full-stack developers work as both front end- and back-stop developers with extensive knowledge of software development, user experience, quality assurance and security.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant jobs vary widely in their tasks and responsibilities. At a minimum, virtual assistants need a computer and an internet connection. Y'all'll besides demand to be a self-starter with excellent organization skills. After all, whoever hires you lot is looking for someone who can eliminate some of their stress.

KOBU Agency/Unsplash

The nature of the job depends on whom y'all work for. Many virtual administration are tasked with organizing documents and files, maintaining social media channels and handling billing and bookkeeping issues. Other common tasks include answering and directing phone calls, keeping upwardly with electronic mail communications, managing calendars or schedules and researching potential projects and clients.

Medical Transcriptionist

As a medical transcriptionist, yous take voice recordings made by healthcare professionals and turn them into written reports. Some people work in doctors' offices and hospitals, but many medical transcriptionists tin piece of work from domicile. In well-nigh cases, you practice need to have a good foundation in medical terminology and grammar. About employers require candidates to have completed a postsecondary educational course.


Online Marketing

Digital marketers are in demand. At that place'south been a skills gap in the marketplace for years now, co-ordinate to Digital Marketing Institute. Some of the most in-need skills include search engine optimization strategy, website evolution, brand marketing, content strategy, digital project management and data analytics. You lot'll substantially be tasked with helping businesses target, appoint with and concenter consumers by using various online strategies.

Campaign Creators/Unsplash

For those with the skills needed to perform these jobs well — and the want to potentially create a remote business concern — online marketing is a solid option. Some online marketers work as consultants who clarify a business concern' current online marketing plans to meet where the visitor can better. Others are hired to create and implement online marketing strategies for the long term.


Graphic design, web pattern, user experience and user interface all tend to autumn under the umbrella of design. It isn't impossible to intermission into this remote work opportunity with minimal experience, only the about lucrative and stable design jobs are frequently awarded to candidates with the feel and know-how to get the job done. Experts suggest choosing the kind of designer y'all want to be and the part that best suits your skills. Then, talk to other designers, accept a class and practise your craft. If y'all don't have a portfolio, start taking on projects to create i.

The Creative Commutation/Unsplash



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